Conversation Anger Issues
My apologies for the lack of posts of late. Whenever the cute random observations happen, I'm not near a computer to type them out. Or I'm being rather lethargic and don't post.
Not to mention, I feel quite angry lately. Not enough to go to therapy, but probably should. Maybe I should change the title of this blog to "Downward Spiral of a Candy Store Clerk". I know I'm not really that bad, nor am I pre-teen goth girl with too much black eye liner... The title of the blog shall remain.
Someone from my second job told me I was mean the other day because I let him know he had a "Here's your sign" moment.
Oh yeah. I now have a second job to make ends meet to help support myself and my family. I realize not every culture believes its the responsibility of the younger generation to take care of the older one, but someone's got to take care of my parents, and I am apparently the only one with enough discipline to do it. I digress...
On with my story:
For a not that exciting place, my second job is a little like Fort Knox with its security. Only when I'm working am I allowed to go down the dark concrete hallway (made lighter and more welcoming with white paint on the concrete) to the depth of the building where no cell phone can get reception because it's like being in a nuclear bunker. This is where I go to clock in and get paid. On the day I was being mean, a security guard saw me standing in the bunker, leaning against the appropriate wall for leaning, uniform in hand, waiting to clock in. He came up to me and asked "Are you working tonight?"
I looked him dead in the eyes and paused.
After I gave him a chance to realize what he said, I responded with something like "No, I just came to the area I'm not allowed to be in when not working, with my uniform in hand for giggles... Wanted to see if anyone would catch me."
That is when he realized he had a stupid moment. Since I'm somewhat friendly with him, I did offer a smile after my sarcastic deadpan remark, and politely in a friendly, joking manner informed him he had a "Here's Your Sign" moment. I figured he knew redneck humor, and I've seen Blue Collar Comedy during late night hours on Comedy Central. He could think I was relating to him. It worked.
Later in the evening, when he told other coworkers I had been mean to him, he said it with a smile like it was a joke between us. I felt safe.
When I attempted to relay the story to my family, I got as far as "My coworker said I was mean to him..." My cousin interrupted me with a sarcastic "What? Someone thought you were mean?" However, when she said it, she was trying to be cute and funny by implying that I'm always bleeping mean. I pondered this for a moment, and excused the comment because I realized, I am usually mean to her. But she needs a good verbal butt kicking every now and then. I don't do it to feel a sense of empowerment over another. Its simply that some people say too many stupid comments to the point one could wonder if sterilization may be a good option for them.
People at my regular job have noticed I haven't been that nice to clients on the phone. I start off nice, then they say something stupid, and I sound irritated with them and potentially a little patronizing. I use to fake it better.
Example: Company purchased a large order of Candy, decided to make arrangements for a payment plan for that order. I am now in charge of sending monthly letters to remind the company of their monthly payment until the bill is paid in full.
Third month into the payment plan I get a call:
Intelligent man: Hey, I got this letter from you saying you are wanting money or something from us. I gave that to you last month, we're done with that already.
Me: Yes, I received last month's payment. However, I need November and December's payment.
IM: (in a hostile and louder voice) Well you're not gonna get that! You're too late!
Me: How am I too late to receive November and December's payments?
IM: Our computers and accounting equipment were down.
Me: I'm sorry to hear that. But whether the system is down or not, payments still need to be made. You can't get that fixed before the end of November? You have the rest of the month to get your payment to us.
IM: Oh you mean this November and December?!?
Me: (closes eyes, smacks head into free hand, while shaking head back and forth wondering why me) Yes, sir. This November and December's payments.
IM: (calmer and more relaxed like he knows what I'm talking about) Oh ok, so I'll send you last month's and this month's payments.
Me: (gripping any bit of sanity left in me) No, sir. I need this month's, which is November, and next month's, which is December's payments.
It's a screwy system they set up with this guy. If the payments weren't different for December from October, I would have let that comment slide. When I hung up the phone, my coworker commented about my lack of pleasantry on the phone. When I told her the full conversation, she wasn't willing to tell me I should be perkier or that my tone was justified. She simply shook her head and walked away.
I also had a guy call in an order and try to get me to describe myself on the phone. *Shrugs* Seriously, people?
He would randomly interject weird comments in the midst of a professional phone call regarding an order. He tried to play it off as a non-creepy request with "haven't you ever created a mental picture of the people you are talking to on the phone?" He then proceeded to tell me what he thought I looked like over the phone.
I couldn't help but wonder if he thought I looked like the teacher from Varsity Blues that ended up being the stripper for the "Hot for Teacher" song or if he thought I looked like Cathy from the old cartoon strip. But while he was talking, I wondered if he truly thought I was stupid enough to fall for what I believed was a trick. First he tried to get me to describe myself. I reminded him I was on a work phone and that did not pertain to the job at hand. He then continued with order, and eventually threw in his picture of what I looked like... Was he really expecting me to just be some giggly valley girl and answer "Oh no, silly I don't look like that, my hair color is this and I look like this." I deemed him a creepy moron...
He called back 5 minutes later because he googled my name and wanted to know if I was the person he read about who did this and that. I told him he sounded like a creepy stalker and asked if he needed anything else from the candy store.
I don't know if it's conversations like these that make me mean or sarcastic, or if they are bringing out that side of me which has always been present. Some people still give me compliments like they enjoy my company. They even sound sincere when they do it. Hopefully I give them a similar response.
My apologies for the lack of posts of late. Whenever the cute random observations happen, I'm not near a computer to type them out. Or I'm being rather lethargic and don't post.
Not to mention, I feel quite angry lately. Not enough to go to therapy, but probably should. Maybe I should change the title of this blog to "Downward Spiral of a Candy Store Clerk". I know I'm not really that bad, nor am I pre-teen goth girl with too much black eye liner... The title of the blog shall remain.
Someone from my second job told me I was mean the other day because I let him know he had a "Here's your sign" moment.
Oh yeah. I now have a second job to make ends meet to help support myself and my family. I realize not every culture believes its the responsibility of the younger generation to take care of the older one, but someone's got to take care of my parents, and I am apparently the only one with enough discipline to do it. I digress...
On with my story:
For a not that exciting place, my second job is a little like Fort Knox with its security. Only when I'm working am I allowed to go down the dark concrete hallway (made lighter and more welcoming with white paint on the concrete) to the depth of the building where no cell phone can get reception because it's like being in a nuclear bunker. This is where I go to clock in and get paid. On the day I was being mean, a security guard saw me standing in the bunker, leaning against the appropriate wall for leaning, uniform in hand, waiting to clock in. He came up to me and asked "Are you working tonight?"
I looked him dead in the eyes and paused.
After I gave him a chance to realize what he said, I responded with something like "No, I just came to the area I'm not allowed to be in when not working, with my uniform in hand for giggles... Wanted to see if anyone would catch me."
That is when he realized he had a stupid moment. Since I'm somewhat friendly with him, I did offer a smile after my sarcastic deadpan remark, and politely in a friendly, joking manner informed him he had a "Here's Your Sign" moment. I figured he knew redneck humor, and I've seen Blue Collar Comedy during late night hours on Comedy Central. He could think I was relating to him. It worked.
Later in the evening, when he told other coworkers I had been mean to him, he said it with a smile like it was a joke between us. I felt safe.
When I attempted to relay the story to my family, I got as far as "My coworker said I was mean to him..." My cousin interrupted me with a sarcastic "What? Someone thought you were mean?" However, when she said it, she was trying to be cute and funny by implying that I'm always bleeping mean. I pondered this for a moment, and excused the comment because I realized, I am usually mean to her. But she needs a good verbal butt kicking every now and then. I don't do it to feel a sense of empowerment over another. Its simply that some people say too many stupid comments to the point one could wonder if sterilization may be a good option for them.
People at my regular job have noticed I haven't been that nice to clients on the phone. I start off nice, then they say something stupid, and I sound irritated with them and potentially a little patronizing. I use to fake it better.
Example: Company purchased a large order of Candy, decided to make arrangements for a payment plan for that order. I am now in charge of sending monthly letters to remind the company of their monthly payment until the bill is paid in full.
Third month into the payment plan I get a call:
Intelligent man: Hey, I got this letter from you saying you are wanting money or something from us. I gave that to you last month, we're done with that already.
Me: Yes, I received last month's payment. However, I need November and December's payment.
IM: (in a hostile and louder voice) Well you're not gonna get that! You're too late!
Me: How am I too late to receive November and December's payments?
IM: Our computers and accounting equipment were down.
Me: I'm sorry to hear that. But whether the system is down or not, payments still need to be made. You can't get that fixed before the end of November? You have the rest of the month to get your payment to us.
IM: Oh you mean this November and December?!?
Me: (closes eyes, smacks head into free hand, while shaking head back and forth wondering why me) Yes, sir. This November and December's payments.
IM: (calmer and more relaxed like he knows what I'm talking about) Oh ok, so I'll send you last month's and this month's payments.
Me: (gripping any bit of sanity left in me) No, sir. I need this month's, which is November, and next month's, which is December's payments.
It's a screwy system they set up with this guy. If the payments weren't different for December from October, I would have let that comment slide. When I hung up the phone, my coworker commented about my lack of pleasantry on the phone. When I told her the full conversation, she wasn't willing to tell me I should be perkier or that my tone was justified. She simply shook her head and walked away.
I also had a guy call in an order and try to get me to describe myself on the phone. *Shrugs* Seriously, people?
He would randomly interject weird comments in the midst of a professional phone call regarding an order. He tried to play it off as a non-creepy request with "haven't you ever created a mental picture of the people you are talking to on the phone?" He then proceeded to tell me what he thought I looked like over the phone.
I couldn't help but wonder if he thought I looked like the teacher from Varsity Blues that ended up being the stripper for the "Hot for Teacher" song or if he thought I looked like Cathy from the old cartoon strip. But while he was talking, I wondered if he truly thought I was stupid enough to fall for what I believed was a trick. First he tried to get me to describe myself. I reminded him I was on a work phone and that did not pertain to the job at hand. He then continued with order, and eventually threw in his picture of what I looked like... Was he really expecting me to just be some giggly valley girl and answer "Oh no, silly I don't look like that, my hair color is this and I look like this." I deemed him a creepy moron...
He called back 5 minutes later because he googled my name and wanted to know if I was the person he read about who did this and that. I told him he sounded like a creepy stalker and asked if he needed anything else from the candy store.
I don't know if it's conversations like these that make me mean or sarcastic, or if they are bringing out that side of me which has always been present. Some people still give me compliments like they enjoy my company. They even sound sincere when they do it. Hopefully I give them a similar response.
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Armageddon Thru To You
If you've been wondering why it seems like the world around us is unraveling, it's because the last days as foretold in the bible are now upon us. Just as it was 2000 years ago, many were unable to discern the signs of Jesus Christ's first coming (Mat 16:3), as will many concerning his second coming, which will occur very soon. Yes many have proclaimed a similar sentiment many times in the past, but their errors have no bearing on today other than to lull you into spiritual apathy, and that too was prophesied to occur in the last days.
If you're not a believer in Jesus Christ because you're an atheist, consider that the underlying impetus for your disbelief is most likely borne of pride and here's why:
When we die, if you as an atheist were right, then there is no upside or downside for anyone regarding the afterlife. We will all simply cease to exist
However if we Christians were right about our belief in the afterlife, then we will be given eternal life and you as an atheist will receive eternal damnation
Given the choices, the position held by an atheist is a fools bet any way you look at it because the atheist has everything to lose and nothing to gain. It is tantamount to accepting a “heads I win, tails you lose” coin toss proposition from someone. And that someone by the way is Satan (see Ephesians 6:12).
The only way to explain the attitude held by an atheist is pride, pure and simple. The intellectually dishonest and/or tortured reasoning used by atheists to try and disprove the existence of God is nothing more than attempts to posture themselves as superior (a symptom of pride). And as anyone who has read their bible knows, this is precisely the character flaw that befell Lucifer, God's formerly most high angel. (Isaiah 14:12-15). Is it any wonder then why the bible is so replete with references to pride as the cause of mankind's downfall?
Pride permeates our lives and burdens us in ways that most of us seldom recognize. Ironically, pride is the one thing that can blind someone to things even the unsighted can see. And sadly pride will blind many with an otherwise good heart, to accepting the offer of eternal salvation that Christ bought and paid for with his life.
In any event, if you're an atheist, I wish you only the best for every day of the rest of your life because for you, this life is as close to heaven as you'll ever get, but for believers in Christ, this life is as close to hell as we'll ever get.
If you're not a believer and follower of Jesus Christ because you are of another faith, please take the time to very carefully compare your faith to Christianity and ask yourself, why is the bible the only religious book with both hundreds of proven prophecies already fulfilled as well as those being fulfilled today? No other religion can claim anything remotely close to this fact. Many Christians who are serious students of bible prophecy are already aware of the role and significance of bible prophecy in foretelling end time events. God gave us prophecy as evidence of his divine holiness to know the begining from the end (Isa 46:10). God also believed prophecy to be so important that to those willing to read the most prophetic book in the bible, the Book of Revelation, he promised a special blessing (see Rev 1:3), and this is the only book in the bible that God gives its reader a special blessing for reading. Something to think about.
Don't risk losing Christ's offer of eternal life by not accepting him as your savior and by thinking that the bible is nothing more than a compilation of unrelated and scattered stories about people who lived 2,000 plus years ago. If you take the time to study (not just read) the bible, you will literally be shocked to learn things you would have never imagined would be revealed in it. Did you know that like parables, God also uses particular months and days in the Jewish calendar, Jewish Feasts and customs, solar and lunar phases, celestial alignments, gematria (Hebrew numerology) early bible events and more as patterns and models to foretell future events?
Consider the following interesting facts about the bible that testify to its God-inspired authorship:
Did you know that in Gen 12:2, God said he would bless Israel?. How else can you explain the grossly disproportionate level of success achieved by Jewish people as a tiny minority in the world, especially after all they have gone through? And how can you explain the success achieved by the tiny nation of Israel, surrounded by enemies outnumbering them 100 to 1 and yet still they remain victorious in all their wars?
Did you know that as evidence to indicate that Israel is the epicenter of the world from God's point of view is the fact that languages to the west of Israel are written and read from left to right as if pointing to Israel, and languages from countries to the east of Israel are written and read from right to left, again as though pointing to Israel. Just a coincidence, you say? I think not.
Did you know that the six days of creation and seventh day of rest in Genesis is a model for the six thousand years of this age (ending very soon), that is to be followed by a 1,000 year millennial reign by Christ (see 2 Peter 3:8)? Adam was born sometime prior to 4000 B.C., therefore our 6000 years are almost up.
Did you kow that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is hidden in the meaning of the Hebrew names listed in the genealogy of the book of Genesis (Research it online)? To deny this was God-inspired, one has to instead believe that a group of Jewish rabbis conspired to hide the Christian Gospel right inside a genealogy of their venerated Torah, which is not a very plausible explanation.
Did you know that solar eclipses, which the bible describes as the sun being black as sackcloth, and lunar eclipses, which the bible refers to as blood red moons, have prophetic meaning? Research it online. God showed Adam (and us) his plan for man's redemption through the use of celestial alignments. (research Mazzaroth online)
Did you know that much of the symbolism in the book of revelation refers to planetary alignments that will occur when certain events occur as prophesied? These planetary alignments also explained the birth of Christ, just search out The Bethlehem Star movie on the Internet.
Did you know that the references in Eze 39:4-17 and Rev 19:17-21 in the battle of Gog/Magog and Armageddon respectively, in which birds of prey will eat the flesh of the dead in battle from two enormous wars is based on fact? The largest bird migration in the world consisting of bilions of birds (34 species of raptors and various carrion birds) from several continents converge and fly over Israel every spring and fall. Coincidence? I think not.
Did you know that Hebrew numerology, also known as Gematria, and the numbers with biblical and prophetic significance are hidden in the Star of David? Google the video called "Seal of Jesus Christ"
Did you know that the seven Churches mentioned at the beginning of the Book of Revelation describe the seven stages the Church will go through?
There are literally hundreds of hidden messages in the bible like these that testify to the fact that the bible was God inspired, and statistically speaking, are all exponentially beyond the likelihood of any coincidence. You can find them yourselves if you only take the time to look into it. Remember Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings".
And finally, if you are Catholic, or one who subscribes to the emergent Church or seeker-friendly Church movement, please compare the doctrine taught, advocated or accepted by your Church, with the actual bible, notwithstanding some new-age version of the bible. And remember that although the bible is often referred to as the living bible, the word "living" was never intended to imply in any way that the bible "evolves" over time to meet, or be consistent with, the standards of man. It's just the opposite.
Well, am I getting through to you? If not, the answer might be explained in the response given by Jesus Christ in his Olivet discourse when he was asked by his disciples why he spoke the way he did (in parables, etc.) in the book of Matthew 13:10-16. What Jesus said could have easily been paraphrased more clearly as "so that the damned won't get it". Why did Christ respond the way he did when asked why he spoke this way? Is there something about pride (the bible says there is) that closes one's heart to seeing or hearing the messages supernaturally hidden in bible parables, models, typologies, and similes, etc.? That should give you something to think about, but don't take too long. Time is now very short.
If it sometimes seems like there are powers at work behind the powers we know, remember what it says in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." If you study the bible, it will become clearer.
And by the way, if you are a scoffer, this too was prophesied to occur in the last days. See 2 Peter 3:3.
Thank you and God Bless you! (at)
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