Disclaimer: Not that Cheerful
This is just a warning. If anyone wants to read a cute little random moment, then I don't recommend reading this post. I had a great one the other day, but didn't get the chance to write it down, so now it's not as fresh in my mind.
As for today... I'm really sad today. I guess I'm going on almost a full week of sadness. I think it will be officially a full week by this afternoon. I think I emotionally snapped last Tuesday. No major event happened. It was one of those "straw that broke the camel's back" kind of things. Since last Tuesday afternoon, I don't think a day has gone by where I haven't cried or felt like crying.
I cried last week during work a couple of times. No good reason. I was stocking shelves and doing inventory sheets. I realize this could make some people cry, but not me. Not usually. Today I got to work early, did not put on all my make-up, and every time I think about applying my eye make-up, I hold back. Why look like something from Tales from the Crypt if it runs? So I hold back. I haven't cried yet today. My day just started. But I feel like it.
I have a feeling about what is assisting in this sadness. I believe it could possibly be two things. One, last Tuesday I realized how angry I am that someone/corporation is taking advantage of me and I'm preparing to go to the mattresses. Two, I realized Sunday I need to talk with a particular person, and haven't had the chance to talk with that person yet. The two items are associated to each other, but they are not one and the same.
Item one has the potential to not be a quick battle. Item two I think has been eating me because I know I need to carry on the conversation, and we haven't had a chance to sit down and talk since then. Granted, this is only the second morning since Sunday night. *sigh* Hopefully we can talk tomorrow. :(
Well, the other drones are calling. I better leave my cubby hole before someone locates it.
Please take care fair readers. G'day.
This is just a warning. If anyone wants to read a cute little random moment, then I don't recommend reading this post. I had a great one the other day, but didn't get the chance to write it down, so now it's not as fresh in my mind.
As for today... I'm really sad today. I guess I'm going on almost a full week of sadness. I think it will be officially a full week by this afternoon. I think I emotionally snapped last Tuesday. No major event happened. It was one of those "straw that broke the camel's back" kind of things. Since last Tuesday afternoon, I don't think a day has gone by where I haven't cried or felt like crying.
I cried last week during work a couple of times. No good reason. I was stocking shelves and doing inventory sheets. I realize this could make some people cry, but not me. Not usually. Today I got to work early, did not put on all my make-up, and every time I think about applying my eye make-up, I hold back. Why look like something from Tales from the Crypt if it runs? So I hold back. I haven't cried yet today. My day just started. But I feel like it.
I have a feeling about what is assisting in this sadness. I believe it could possibly be two things. One, last Tuesday I realized how angry I am that someone/corporation is taking advantage of me and I'm preparing to go to the mattresses. Two, I realized Sunday I need to talk with a particular person, and haven't had the chance to talk with that person yet. The two items are associated to each other, but they are not one and the same.
Item one has the potential to not be a quick battle. Item two I think has been eating me because I know I need to carry on the conversation, and we haven't had a chance to sit down and talk since then. Granted, this is only the second morning since Sunday night. *sigh* Hopefully we can talk tomorrow. :(
Well, the other drones are calling. I better leave my cubby hole before someone locates it.
Please take care fair readers. G'day.
At 7:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
You ever have one of those brain fart days? Today is one of them...
For some reason, I can not figure out my password to add to my blog. Let alone I forgot the password for my email address, so I haven't been able to check that account for months.... Yep, I'm a winner today, ladies and gentlemen... I should go buy a lotto ticket with the luck I'm having right now. :p
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